Placeholder Image Generator Online

Enter placeholder image dimension in px

Width (px)


Height (px)

Placeholder Text editor

Image Background Color
Edit text
Font Type
Font Color

Font size (px)

Stroke Color

Stroke Width (px)

Placeholder image

It's simple to make placeholder images online; simply enter width and height to generate images in both jpg and png formats. You can also modify the font, color, and size of the placeholder text. In online website layouts, conventional dummy picture proportions such as 250 x 250, 300 x 300, 100 x 100, and 50 x50 are utilized, however this tool may make dummy photos in any size without any constraints.

How this tool working?

Placeholder image generator utility that generates images with the specified dimensions using client-side scripts (width & height). The tool includes options for changing the background color, font size, font color, and font size to customize the placeholder image and placeholder text to your specifications. Once the image has been made, a preview will be provided in the tool, along with save options for downloading the placeholder image.

Is it free tool?

The placeholder image generating tool is absolutely free to use and is a full version with no hidden fees, no signup required, no demo versions, and no other restrictions. You are free to create an unlimited number of placeholder images.

Any skills required?

This tool does not require any special skills to generate placeholder images. To generate and preview the placeholder picture, enter the placeholder image dimensions in px and click the create button.

How to download placeholder images?

This tool generates placeholder images that are simple to download. Once the placeholder image preview is generated, click the download button at the bottom of the preview container to save the image in jpg or png format.

Any restrictions?

There are no limitations to using this tool; you can create as many false photos as you wish. With this tool, there is no need for a login or a signup, and there are no additional restrictions.

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